- Eventos
- Provas de Mestrado
- Provas de Doutoramento
- Provas de Agregação
- Centro de Línguas (CLECS)
- Centre Universitaire d’Examens DELF-DALF de l’Université d’Évora - Centro Universitário de Exames DELF-DALF da Universidade de Évora
- Serviço de Extensão à Comunidade em Psicologia (SEC-Psi)
- Cursos Livres
- Apontadores
Staff and students from the Faculty of Archaeology are just back from a newly started Field School in the inland of Portugal. The Field School is part of a new collaboration between Leiden University (Dr Tesse D. Stek) and the University of Évora (Prof. André Carneiro) which is funded by a special grant from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Western Iberian Roman archaeology: the wider project aims to advance the study of Western Iberian Roman archaeology in an international academic environment by a close collaboration between Portuguese, Dutch and other international researchers and students. The project is punctuated by two main events: a joint archaeological Field School in Alentejo, Portugal; and an international conference in June in Leiden, the Netherlands.
Campaigning in Fronteira: the first campaign in this westernmost part of the Roman Empire started mid-January. The campaign targeted the area of Fronteira in Northern Alentejo, a beautiful landscape with rolling hills and plateaus, and was coordinated by Dr. Stek, Prof. Carneiro, Dr. Jesús García Sánchez and Rogier Kalkers, helped by a team of find or remote sensing specialists and PhD/MA level team leaders.